Memory Keepers is an online collection and community conversation to record, elevate, and archive the histories of memory keepers who have lived, worked, and played in Twin Aire Neighborhood Coalition (TANC) neighborhoods for generations.
Los Guardianes de Memorias es una colección en línea y charla comunitaria para grabar, elevar, y archivar las historias de gente que mantienen las memorias de nuestros vecindarios. Esas personas tienen experiencias y recuerdos vividos, que han trabajado o recreado en los vecindarios de Twin Aire Neighborhood Coalition (TANC), por generaciones.
Memory Keepers features an online gallery featuring portraits and recorded interviews of community “memory keepers” from the TANC Neighborhoods. Portraits were painted and interviews conducted by artist Kaila Austin. In some cases, interview recordings were conducted by neighbors. These small and often overlooked neighborhoods are filled with people of diverse backgrounds – Black, Hispanic/Latinx, White, old, young, immigrant – and all have stories to tell about the changes in neighborhood through the years.
Los Guardianes de Memorias tiene una galería virtual que presentará retratos pintados y grabaciones de entrevistas de gente quien van coleccionando las memorias de los vecindarios del TANC. Los retratos son pintados por Kaila Austin y ella hizo las entrevistas también. En algunos casos, las entrevistas eran hechos por vecinos. Los vecindarios incluido en este proyecto son pequeños y muchas veces ignorados. Son también vecindarios con una diversidad de personas – hay Afroamericanos, Hispanos/Latinos, Blancos, ancianos, jóvenes, e inmigrantes – y todos tienen cuentos para contar de los cambios en sus vecindarios a través de los años.
Experience these stories through this online archive, and/or through the below recorded community conversation with featured memory keepers and artist Kaila Austin.
Vea y escucha estas historias a través de este archivo, y/o abajo en una charla comunitaria con las personas de los retratos e entrevistas y la artista Kaila Austin.
*Please Note: All of the interviews and histories shared in this archive are to the best recollection and memory of the individual interviewed. Participants in this project were allowed to share and discuss whichever topics or themes they wanted to focus on. In addition, recordings have been lightly edited to remove vocal pauses, and portions not related to the interview (small talk, breaks, etc.) for ease of listening. Use of the images, artifacts, recordings, or written materials may not be utilized for commercial use. Any non-commercial use must contain proper citation and permission. Please see copyright information here for more details.
Funding for this project came from LISC Indianapolis through a Great Places 2020 Early Action Grant.
Los fondos por el proyecto vienen de LISC Indianápolis a través de un subsidio de Great Places 2020.
Additional archives featuring history from the TANC neighborhoods include:
Archivos adicionales con historias que habla de los vecindarios TANC incluyen:
Voices from our Waterways: An Oral History Project, stored in the e-archives of the Ruth Lilly Special Collections & Archives at IUPUI.
Norwood Neighborhood Collection, Indiana Historical Society
Dago Banegas, Twin Aire
Teresa and Norberto Aguayo,
Christian Park
Eleanor Hood, Christian Park
Marti Lamar, Prospect Falls
Flinora Frazier, Norwood
Suri Camacho, Twin Aire
Brenda McAtee, Norwood
Jude Odell, Twin Aire
Slim (Prentis) and Jenny Mullins ,
Twin Aire
Cindy Maxwell, Christian Park