Twin Aire Public Meeting: DMD Development of Twin Aire Plaza and Drive In Site
You may provide feedback on the RFP response presentations for 14 days after the public meeting.
Click here for the Meeting Recording
Passcode: s08=LD%#
Click here for the slide deck.
Surveys for overall feedback and each individuals presentation are below:
Day of Meeting Info:
Come learn about the proposed development for the Twin Aire Shopping Plaza and Drive-In site. The public will have an opportunity to provide feedback on each proposed project. Community feedback will be used to help select the right development team for the project.
When: Thursday, July 20th. Doors open 6pm. Meeting begins promptly at 6:30.
What: Public Meeting to hear about possible redevelopment options for the Twin Aire Shopping Plaza and Drive-in Site and provide community input.
Where: Community Justice Campus, 675 Justice Way, Indianapolis, IN 46203 in room C0113 - Jury Services Room
*The Community Justice Campus is a secure facility, and all attendees will need to pass through Security. Please arrive 15 minutes early to get through metal detectors.
Parking Information Can Be found by going to
Can’t Make it? Join us on Facebook Live ( or via Zoom for a virtual option. Facebook will stream only in English, but Zoom will be offered in both Spanish and English.
Zoom information is:
Meeting ID: 829 8368 5420 Passcode: 087265
Links to the virtual option and where the recording will also be available after the meeting. Feedback can be provided for 14 days after July 20th.
Spanish language interpreter services will also be provided.